Marty Dunn , Artist, Bradenton, Florida
Art That Matters is located in Bradenton, FL. This platform exists to share art that magnifies Jesus in a way that extends our capacities. Art asks us to review our belief systems. When necessary, to destroy non-functional beliefs. We want to remember what really matters.
Here you will find informal companionship between different levels of society; more about what holds us together than what drives us apart.
Ours is an unapologetically didactic mission : to assist individuals in their search for self understanding , empathy , consolation , hope , self acceptance and fulfilment.
14th Biennial National Art Exhibition

The Biennial NAE is one of my favorite art exhibitions, this being the fourth one that I have participated in. Babeldown was accepted into the 2024 show.
The NAE always has something interesting going on, my favorite being poetry night. Area poets are invited to tour the exhibition and submit poems based on selected works. About ten are chosen to be read by the authors at a special event during the show. At the 2020 show, A Conversation In Cordova was so honored. The poet's perspective was so different from my own, and yet right on target! Quite a learning experience! You can view the painting and the poem here. Enjoy!
Event Date: 2024-02-16 12:00 AM - 2024-04-12 12:00 AM
Event Location: Visual Arts Center, Punta Gorda, FL
ADD TO CALENDARI'll Be There: An Exhibition About Love

The painting, 'An Audience', was accepted into a 2 1/2 month long exhibition at this lovely facility in Solomons, MD, near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. The Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Art Center, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, is owned by the people of Calvert County, MD. The thirty acre park is maintained by the county and the state of Maryland. The park is dedicated to connecting people to art and nature. Truly an honor to be some small part of this local treasure:)
Event Date: 2022-06-10 12:00 AM - 2022-08-28 12:00 AM
Event Location: Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Art Center, Solomons, MD
ADD TO CALENDAROn Neutral Ground

The call for this exhibition intrigued me from the start. Our world is polarizing by the minute, it seems. We have descended a long way from 1996 when Sen. Bob Dole consistently referred to the incumbent Bill Clinton as his 'opponent' --not his 'enemy'. Now I can have a new enemy just by using the wrong hot-button word in a conversation. How to change the tide? Maybe we could consider judicious neutrality, the call suggests. Artists can create using neutral situations, neutral tones, neutral responses. What a great idea! The Spectator was accepted into the show, which runs the month of June.
Event Date: 2022-06-04 12:00 AM - 2022-07-01 11:00 PM
Event Location: Vestige Concept Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
ADD TO CALENDARTribute to Velazquez. The second global painting and sculpture competition for international artists

What an interesting exhibit! This is the first year that the tribute to Velazquez has been opened to internationals. Previously it had been open only to Chinese nationals. The exhibition is co-hosted by the Spanish and Chinese governments, dedicated to connecting Chinese contemporary art with the Western art world. The exhibition is looking for contemporary art created in the tradition of Velazquez, with particular attention to tenebrist qualities.
Thurman by Firelight was selected for inclusion in the tribute; one of 567 paintings and sculpture selected out of 2356 entries from 42 nations. You can read more about the tribute here.
Event Date: 2022-01-01 12:00 AM - 2022-05-31 11:00 PM
Event Location: Shanghai, China and Barcelona, Spain
ADD TO CALENDAR32nd Annual All Florida Juried Art Show

I love venues with class! The 32nd annual All-Florida show is held in the historic Martin County courthouse in Stuart, FL, right on the edge of the Atlantic ocean:) Not only did the curators of the show manage to negotiate Hurricaine Ian, the juror gave Phobos first place!! There is a virtual artists' panel discussion on October 25th at 6:00 pm. Here is a virtual tour of the exhibit.